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    Natasa Denman

    Founder, Creator & CEO of Ultimate 48 Hour Author & Ultimate World Publishing

    I've hosted this seminar for 10 years x 40 times each year.... it's still going strong and has authors from all over the world attend!!!

  • Events

    Check out Natasa’s upcoming events! Click on the image to find out more or book your place.

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    Blueprint for Ultimate Book Writing Success - Worldwide Online Seminar (FREE or VIP)

    The Ultimate 48 Hour Author Blueprint is an introductory half-day workshop to our retreats. You’ll learn the step-by-step process to writing your own book in just 48 hours, so you can get results in days not months or years.


    In this interactive and informative workshop you’ll discover:


    • How to complete your book in just 48 hours even if you haven’t put pen to paper


    • How you can write a life-changing book without completing a writing course or degree


    • How your book will raise your profile and credibility as a person of influence in your niche


    • How to pull it all together and create a professional book that people will want to read.


    Click here to find out more or book your place if you are in Australia or New Zealand.


    Click here if you are in the USA or Canada.



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    Ultimate 48 Hour Author Virtual Retreats

    So far 47 completed over the past 10 years with over 800 in attendance!

    Our author virtual retreats are the pinnacle of the Ultimate 48 Hour Author experience. Over 48 hours, you’ll be immersed in a virtual experience like no other. The learning is dynamic, fun, focussed and you get to build your global network with authors from Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Singapore.


    Writing and publishing a book has never been easier with our blueprint. Over the past ten years, we have completed 47 retreats and helped over 800 attendees write and publish their first book. Because we are always striving for a 100% success rate, we only work with coachable and passionate people who qualify after a 30-minute strategy session.


    If this sounds like you, contact us to find out more.

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    2024 Author Support Events


    When it comes to our authors, we are huge on LIVE SUPPORT! Here is a preview of our 2024 Calendar of Events that we put on to look after our Authors and keep progressing them to Book Success. The support events are there to fast track our authors in the publishing process and help them leverage their books to 6 and 7-figure businesses.





    Virtual Retreat Experience Feedback



    Take a sneak peek view behind the scenes of our virtual retreat experience. We never thought a virtual retreat would work just as well (if not better in some cases) to deliver the unforgettable experience that Ultimate 48 Hour Author thrives on providing its authors.

  • NATASA'S Blog

    14. Oktober 2024
    Monday morning live with Natasa Denman featuring one of her amazing authors, Kelli Zakharoff. Kelli commenced her career as a midwife as one of the first bachelor of midwifery students in Australia. Studying at Victoria uni, Kelli and 52 other trailblazers were to become the new breed of...
    Monday morning live with Natasa Denman featuring one of her amazing authors and marketing strategists, Wendy Trevarthen. Wendy Trevarthen is a nurse and a three-time published author. She mentors frustrated nurses in their current roles toward career success using her 5-step Nursing Career...
    16. September 2024
    Monday morning live with Natasa Denman featuring one of her amazing authors, Libby Andrew. Libby is a third-time published author, with all her books published through the Ultimate 48 Hour Author. Her latest work, Wallaroo 19, offers a deeply personal reflection on a pivotal ten-year period of...
    More Posts
  • Natasa denman's story...

    May 2010 my life changed. Shit hit the fan! My husband lost a business by making a poor decision...

    So I decided to become a business owner and enrolled to study life coaching. While I loved helping people and giving them the gift of self-awareness… it was a little ‘too fluffy’ as I like to put it. I felt I needed a clear focus. So, I looked closely at myself and the experiences I’ve had to uncover how I could help others solve a specific problem.


    At first, I helped people lose the last 10 kilos via mindset weight loss coaching. This was a hard slog, until the defining moment when I published my first book The 7 Ultimate Secrets to Weight Loss. Within 90 days of becoming an author, my coaching practice was fully booked. I then wrote a program and over the next year I licensed the full system. I sold 33 licenses in Australia and one in the US, which took me beyond six figures in my practice.


    Following this success, people started seeking me out to help them write their books and programs. So, I made the transition into that niche and have never looked back. Nowadays I work with coaches, consultants, speakers, practitioners, and entrepreneurs to assist them in becoming authors super-fast, so they can leverage their business and generate passive income rather than selling their time for money.


    My husband quit his job nine years ago and we now run a thriving multiple seven-figure business purely from home. We have helped over 600 first-time authors publish their books via the Ultimate 48 Hour Author program, and I personally have authored 14 books in the past ten years.


    My expertise comes from doing the do; I did not invent something from nothing. Once I’ve done it, and trialed it to be successful, I then teach it to others. I have worked with mentors since the early months of starting in business and continue to stretch and grow every single day. I believe in investing in systems that will show you the shortcuts to get you to your goals faster, rather than trying to work it all out for yourself.


    With three young children, my journey so far has involved juggling babies and business and living my motto of ‘Take Action, No Excuses and Smash it Out’.


    We expanded our business in 2017, taking it to the USA and UAE. We work remotely with our international clients via our virtual events and retreats and have now helped people across 15 countries author their first book.


    Late 2018 saw us launch our own in-house publishing company, Ultimate World Publishing. We now take care of the full journey start to finish with our authors and our team has expanded to six full-time staff and over 20 subcontractors that we work with on a regular basis.


    In 2020, we celebrated 10 years in business. Then, with the onset of COVID-19, we saw ourselves get busier than ever. Everyone was finishing or starting their book projects with the extra time they had and we worked super hard to pivot our 90% offline business of face-to-face events and retreats to 100% online and run what we do fully virtual. The transition was a lot of work but it was totally worth it.


    2021 we confirmed our move online 100% and have continued to thrive worldwide for now 4 years. Our team has grown each year and we see more and more of our authors returning to write 2nd, 3rd, 4th and even 5th books. October 2023 we celebrated 10 Years since the first Ultimate 48 Hour Author Retreat. Check out our Virtual Party here.



  • Books & PLANNERS


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    Shut up and Write Your First Book

    In my experience, there are two types of first-time author wannabes…


    Type 1: Has a little voice in their head that for the past 5–10 years has been saying: you’re not good enough, what will others think of you, what if you get criticised, other people have written on this topic before, what if you get stuck with a garage full of books, you need to learn more, know more and be more before you do it, and who will ever want to read your book anyway? Unfortunately, this is around 80% of first-time authors.


    Type 2: Has the confidence, but doesn’t know where to start. They have too much content to share, can’t be bothered working it all out themselves, are looking for a quick shortcut to save time and money, and know the value of a book and just want to get it done – yesterday! This group makes up around 20% of first-time authors.


    No matter which type you identify with, in this book, you’ll unlock the answers to all of the above and more. I share the 48 reasons standing in your way, so you can get over yourself and finally write that first book. It’s time to get on with it!


    “It’s not about writing your first book, It’s about the person you become at the other end of it”

    -Natasa Denman-

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    Ultimate 48 Hour Author

    Have you always wanted to write a book and didn’t know where to start? Or perhaps you see it as this gigantic mountain of a project to complete, that’s always ending up in the too-hard basket? It doesn’t have to be that way! Writing books is meant to be fun, easy and super rewarding, and in this book, you’ll discover successful systems around getting your book written in just 48 hours. I have helped hundreds of others become authors using this system and have done it myself – and now you can too!


    Becoming an author will change the face of your business and increase your self-worth. You’ll be perceived as a leader and can position yourself as the expert in your field. The process of writing books is no longer time consuming and expensive. The strategies and systems you need to follow are all here, in an easy to follow step-by-step format, that will lead you to the success you truly deserve.


    "Write a Book, Build Your Business,

    Change Your Life"

    – Natasa Denman –

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    Shut Up and Sell Your First Book

    · Have you written a book and are keen to get it in as many hands as possible?

    · Do you want to know how to avoid ending up with a garage full of books?

    · Have you tried a few strategies that you read online without success?


    As a self-published author, if you want to people to notice and buy your book you need to have a plan. In Shut Up and Sell Your First Book international book mentor Natasa Denman shares her easy-to-follow blueprint for book sales success. Following on from Shut Up and Write Your First Book and Ultimate 48 Hour Author, this trilogy is essential reading for first-time authors.


    Natasa has written, sold, and profited from all 12 of her own books - and she has helped over 500 clients from all around the world to do the same thing. She knows a thing or two about the book industry and in this book she unpacks 48 unique ways that you can market and sell copies of your book, with most involving little or no cost to do so.


    Utilising resources that are readily available to us all, Natasa shares her intimate knowledge of the buying habits of book purchasers as well as guiding you through ways to increase your online presence to maximise your reach.


    While getting your book in bookstores is many people's idea of success, when it comes to monetising your book, this isn't an option for most self-published authors. But, as Natasa explains, there are lots of other ways you can sell your book and make a profit, and in this book you'll find out how.

    So, if you are ready to SELL YOUR FIRST BOOK, it's time to Shut-Up and get to it!

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    First Time Author Power Pack

    The Ultimate Power Pack for First-Time authors!


    Give yourself the best chance of success with writing and selling your first book with this complete package made for first-time authors.


    Everything you need to prime your mindset and overcome the obstacles that are currently standing in your way such as self-doubt, procrastination, and the fear of the unknown.


    You will learn the complete Ultimate 48 Hour Author Blueprint, a simple and easy to follow process that will have you produce a book that you are proud of and will give you the best chance of success.


    Then you will learn how to sell your book, and leverage the opportunities that being a published author will bring.


    Track your process, use the templates and keep everything in one place with the perfect companion guide, the Ultimate First Time Author Planner

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    Ultimate Business Planner Evergreen

    This planner came about more than five years ago in its year specific version. I decided to stop making it, as the yearly versions were very limited with the time frame we had to sell them. Upon many requests and my own personal desire to keep using it, I have decided to create the exact same planner in an Evergreen version so that anyone can get it at any time and start using it. That way I would be able to continue to offer it to my clients, followers, and use it myself.


    The best bit is that you can start using it anytime!!! There are 60 weeks per view and 12 monthly planning places.


    What you need to do to make it functional for yourself is spend 10 minutes inserting all the months and dates from when you get it.


    This is explained. in more detail this short training video.


    Get the planner here!!!



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    Ultimate First Time Author BOOK Planner

    Your Powerful BOOK Plan


    The Ultimate First-Time Author Book Planner is the perfect companion to help you pull together the jigsaw puzzle that writing your first book can be.


    With guides, templates and working space throughout, this planner is designed to carry anywhere with you while you unpack your amazing book.


    Choose from a stylish yet flirty pink or slick black cover. Complete with templates for everything you need to finish your first book, all your content planning woes will be over!

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    Fully Booked Retreats

    •  Are you exhausted from working one-on-one?
    • Do you wish to scale your business through retreats, but are scared that you won’t be able to put bums on seats?
    • How would you feel knowing you had changed someone’s life?

    Retreats are the ultimate experience for a client. They are often a defining moment in a person’s lifetime. For the retreat leader, they are one of the most rewarding programs you can run – however, most leaders end up quitting as they fail to build a system that allows them to consistently promote and fill them.


    Natasa Denman has hosted high-end retreats for over five years and has mastered the art of filling a room. Dig into her wisdom and strategies, and avoid the mistakes she made (so you don’t have to).


    ‘Turn your information into implementation which leads to transformation’—Natasa Denman.

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    Me and My VA

    There comes a time in your business when you can no longer do everything on your own. You’re getting bogged down in the small, time-consuming tasks that take you away from servicing your clients and growing your business. You know you need help but don’t know if you can rely upon, or even trust someone to do things ‘your way’.


    That was me, four years ago.


    Business was booming, but with logistics for events, social media and emails becoming a serious drain on time, I knew it was time to get help. Although I had heard of virtual assistants, I had no idea if hiring one would solve my problems – or even how I would go about finding the right one.


    This is the book I wish I had then! It will show you how to:


    • Find a VA that is a match for you and your business
    • Train and upskill them in the fastest way possible
    • Keep them, so they don’t leave, taking you back to square one
    • Build easy to follow systems to maximise their time
    • Communicate and set up tasks to keep them accountable.

    Throughout the book, my Philippines-based VA Lendy Macario, shares her perspective, giving you insight into the world of virtual assistants and a better understanding of how they can make your life easier.


    This book will answer all your questions about hiring a VA, so you will have the confidence to identify when the time is right for YOU to get one.

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    Guilt Free Parents

    What the hell did you do before you had children? What did you spend all your time on? Do you remember time when you only had to worry about yourself? Don’t worry, neither can we.


    Life changes dramatically when you become a parent and with all that comes parental guilt and the need to bring in more money for the family in a small fraction of the time that you used to have.


    The Ultimate 48 Hour Author was built from scratch, while juggling family life and raising our three kids Judd, Mika and Xara. This book is a tell-all account of life while running our now 7-figure home-based business.


    If you are a solopreneur parent of young children, this book will give you the strategies, tips and peace of mind to succeed on your journey to building your business while still fulfilling your parental duties and having quality time with your children.

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    Natasa Denman Reveals...

    1000 Days to a Million Dollar Coaching Business from Home


    Did you know…

    • Less than 1% of coaches ever earn six figures from their business
    • 95% of coaches spend more on their education than they will ever earn from their business
    • 9/10 coaches will give up and quit within nine months of starting their business!

    In this book, I reveal how you can be in that 1% of coaches and live life on your terms, running six (and ultimately seven) figure practices from anywhere in the world. The formula is simpler than you think and by following the steps and taking action consistently, you can elevate your business to not only survive, but to thrive.


    As a mother of three young children, I am proof that when you have a desire to create the ultimate lifestyle for your family, and a passion to provide the ultimate results for your clients, nothing is impossible.


    Read the story, get the system, build your ultimate life.


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    Bums on Seats



    • Are you sick of working one on one and want to leverage your time via events?
    • Is your biggest fear around running events ‘Will anyone show up?’
    • Are you ready to step up and reach a wider audience that needs to hear your message?

    Getting ‘bums on seats’ is the single biggest challenge in running events, especially as the world turns more and more towards online solutions. However, once you know how to do it successfully, you can fill your seminar room, profit from your events and leverage your time to reach those far and wide.


    Francesca and I run successful seminar-based businesses for the public and consistently fill rooms with our ideal clients. Our system is simple – 80% of the time you focus on promoting and 20% on preparing and profiting from your efforts.

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    The 7 Ultimate Secrets to Weight Loss

    Having read many self-improvement books and philosophical explanations of human behaviour, I really wanted to make this guidebook very practical and hands on for those looking for the ultimate secrets to weight loss.


    This step-by-step system gives you the tools and strategies to lose your unwanted weight and reach your goal weight in the fastest time possible.


    The tips in this book can also be applied in other areas of life where you may be stuck and need momentum to move forward.


    If you follow the principles and structures then you will have the results. It is you that will make the changes and that means taking 100% responsibility for your actions and outcomes going forward. Drive your own bus and live life on your terms now and forever.’

    - Natasa Denman

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    Ninja Couch Marketing

    Marketing your Business from the Couch?


    Is it really possible?


    With over 10 years of combined experience working from home, Donna Brown and I were experts at marketing from the couch and working in our PJ’s. We love the flexibility that working from home gives us! And now we want to share our secrets with you.


    If you want to learn how social media can explode your business, the formula of killer websites, how to generate sales in excess of $30,000 from running an online webinar from your couch and much, much more, this book is perfect for you.


    The Ninja Business Chicks will show any business how to create an abundance of sales and profit by unpacking their step-by-step instructions that you can implement right now. The best thing is it’s easy, simple and anyone can do it. Don’t delay your success, start taking action today with the tools shared in this book.

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    You Can…Live the Life of Your Dreams

    Ever wished your life was easier or better? Or that you had more money and didn’t have to work so hard? You are not alone! Most people, when asked, would wish for these same things – and the great news is that you don’t have to spend your valuable time and money, trying to find all the answers you seek. The secrets to success in all areas of your life have been brought together in this book!


    In this compilation, Australia’s top success coaches, world-class athletes, bestselling authors, keynote speakers and corporate trainers share with you all that they have learnt so you can benefit from their experience and fast track your pathway to success. So you too can live the life you truly want, deserve and can now have.

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    Speaking Successfully


    'Writing your first book is not about the book, but about the person you become at the other end of it.' Natasa Denman


    After having seen thousands of people give into fear, self-doubt, lack of time and money, it has become a mission of mine to bring out a resource that will help first time authors 'Get Over Themselves' and finally take the leap into writing the book they have always dreamt of.


    This book will unravel the 48 reasons that stand in your way and how to overcome them. It opens up the human psyche when it comes to mustering up the courage to share your story or message.


    Don't let another 5-10 years pass before you consider writing your first book. Get the tools, mindset hacks and strategies to trick youself into getting it done.

  • Google reviews

  • Media

    Media Bio:


    Natasa Denman is The Ultimate 48 Hour Author and started her business in May 2010. A highly sought after professional speaker (CSP accredited), coach and mentor, Natasa is a 14-time published author and creator of the game changing business model, Ultimate 48 Hour Author. She has helped over 800 solopreneurs become first-time published authors in 15 different countries around the world, including Australia, USA, UAE and Canada.


    Natasa also founded her own publishing company in 2018 called Ultimate World Publishing, and her authors are now writing their second and third books.


    Appearing in all major media outlets across Australia including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Financial Review and The Age, Natasa is changing the way people do business in Australia and the world. She now runs a multiple 7-figure business with her husband and 3 children from home having pivoted the business from an offline to a highly successful online model since 2020.



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    Ultimate 48 Hour Author Start to Finish Journey

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    Ultimate 48 Hour Author Media Coverage

    Ultimate 48 Hour Author Virtual USA Retreat Feedback

    Ultimate 48 Hour Author Virtual Australian Retreat Feedback

  • Expertise

    I focus on four main areas in my business: authoring, publishing, speaking and mentoring. Clients hire me because:


    1. I walk my talk – I’ve authored 14 books and have helped now over 800 other first time authors do the same.

    2. I turn fun into $$$ – my values are Fast, Fun, Fame and Family.

    3. I have designed my ultimate life together with my husband and three young children, we work hard and play harder. We travel a lot, have two homes - one in Melbourne and one on the Gold Coast and continue to invest and build our property portfolio which is at 10 properties and climbing. I love showing my authors how to do this too...


    I have created and proven a system for first time authors to complete their first book in just 48 hours.


    Ultimate World Publishing is my in-house publishing company which enables us to help  our authors bring their books to life in a professional and fast way all done in the one place.


    I speak many topics including building a personal brand, establishing expertise, credibility, authoring and building leverage via products and intellectual property.



    I specialise in mentoring coaches, practitioners, speakers, consultants and entrepreneurs. This is usually reserved for my in-house authors as its very limited.
  • Businesses

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    Ultimate 48 Hour Author

    Ultimate 48 Hour Author Sep 2013 - Present

    This is our signature brand that helps business owners and storytellers to write and publish a book. Through the sharing of your vast expertise via a book, you’ll gain credibility, expertise and recognition in your business or for your story. Ideal participants are first-time authors who simply don’t know where to start, how to structure their book or how to leverage it for success.


    We run retreats four times per year for a maximum of 20 participants. So far we have completed 39 retreats with over 600 authors. You can find more about what we do and who we help (plus lots of free resources) on the full website www.writeabook.com.au.

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    Ultimate World Publishing

    CEO August 2018 - Present

    After five years of supporting entrepreneurs to write and publish their first books, our Ultimate 48 Hour Author business expanded to include an in-house publishing house.


    This means we now provide a complete start to finish package so the whole process is stress free and completed fast. We also offer a publishing only package to authors who have previously published or are looking to self-publish, so we can help them write their second, third and fourth books – and beyond.


    When you publish with us, you will get with a professionally edited and designed book that is 100% yours. We promise that you will:

    • Own your print ready files with no strings attached
    • Have your own print on demand account so you control your book orders
    • Not be sold expensive marketing done-for-you packages (we don’t offer that)
    • Get your book in hand super-fast (after all we run Ultimate 48 Hour Author)
    • Work with one dedicated team member during your book publishing project
    • Keep all of the profits and royalties from your book
    • Get access to our amazing secret community of over 400 authors so far.
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    Ninja Business Chicks

    Red Ninja Jan 2013 - 2014

    Together, as the dynamic duo of Red and Purple Ninja we helped hundreds of businesses grow, run training programs, host workshops and seminars, gain media coverage and more… all from the comfort of our couch while working from home.


    As the Red Ninja, I specialised in mindset – getting down to the nitty gritty of motivation, goal setting, product creation and how to think like a successful businessperson so you can grow as quickly as possible.


    As the Purple Ninja, Donna Brown, specialised in thinking outside the box with technology and helping you make the most of what you have at home to help your business grow.


    Although the business is no longer in operation, the book Ninja Couch Marketing is available for sale!

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    Ultimate Business Edge

    Ultimate Product Specialist Feb 2011 - 2014

    Following the release of my first book The 7 Ultimate Secrets to Weight Loss and writing my first program ‘7 Hours to Achieving Your Ultimate Body’, I discovered my hidden talent and passion in writing and creating products from intellectual property.


    I ran this business for three years, helping business owners turn intellectual property into profit through product development.

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    Ultimate Weight Loss

    The Ultimate Weight Loss Coach Apr 2010 - 2013

    As the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach, I helped health and wellness professionals add the missing link to their business – mindset. The Ultimate Mindset Success Program – 12 Step Transformational System, enabled coaches, personal trainers, nutritionists, chiropractors, and others, help their clients to successfully lose weight and kept it off.

  • Education & Accreditation

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    CSP Accredited

    Certified Speaking Professional Accreditation

    Professional Speakers Australia - Received March 2016

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    The Coaching Institute

    Diploma in Life Coaching 2010–2011

    NLP Practitioner

    Practitioner in Matrix Therapies

    Performance Coach

    Trainer, Speaker & Author

    Professional Certified Coach Accredited in 2013

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    Swinburne University of Technology

    Bachelor of Applied Science

    (Psychology/Psychophysiology) 1996 - 1999

  • Let's Chat!

    I am big on connecting via Social Media and Building Relationships - businesses are built on relationships so let's connect and get to know each other.

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    Melbourne, Australia

  • Contact me!

    Send me a Question, Message or simply say 'Hi' - lets Connect!