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Activating Lunar Alchemy

#LivewithNat & Sydney Francis

Monday morning live with Natasa Denman featuring one of her amazing authors, Sydney Francis.

Reverend Sydney Francis is an instructor, spiritual leader, and author of Activating Lunar Alchemy. Her 30-plus-year study and practice of art, astrology, healing, and the sacred mysteries illuminate her alchemical work with the Moon cycle and personal transformative practices.

Sydney has an MFA in Interdisciplinary Art from Goddard College, a Master’s in Theology, and a Master’s in Healing Arts from the Healing Light Center Church. She is an ordained minister, as well as a certified Wholeness Coach and emotional trauma healer.

As a former University Instructor, Sydney has presented many lectures and classes and facilitated groups across the Southwestern US and online. Just recently, she published her book "Activating Lunar Alchemy", which became Amazon No. 1 Bestseller.



3 Takeaways:

1. Using the Moon's Rhythm to support your creative writing process

2. The alchemy of letting go of mental and emotional blocks to move forward with ease

3. Seeding your new dream after your book is published


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