Every year I put my head down, bum up seriously for some massive action as the weather cools down. My output is almost tripled in what I create, action and generate during this period. I am a big believer you reap what you sow and I love as I find the year down late November going into a two month period of fun Xmas time with my family and lots of outings, shopping, quality time and enjoying of the work that I completed that year.
As the weather cools down, it can make most of us feel a bit down. We have all hear of the Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It can get the best of us and thus makes us what to enter a season of hibernation rather then action. I have a few things I do to make sure this does not happen. Here are my key things that keep me motivated in winter:
- More than ever continue with my regular exercise routine. This gets my days started with energy, gets me warmed up and moving for the rest of the day.
- Eat well and take correct natural supplements
- Have my year pre-planned and things scheduled. What gets scheduled gets done, so there is no option but to do it.
- Look for new opportunities and relationships to develop for collaboration. This is the time others are doing the same. End of the year is wind up mode, so most don’t want to start something as they are about to have a long break.
- I do take at least 1 holiday in the cold months to a tropical locations as my mid way point break in the year. Before I go I make sure I have taken massive action and when I come back I am recharged and feel I can take on the second half of the year and give it a big push until November.
- I schedule business trips to places like Queensland also in the colder months as I get to have a break from the cold in a warmer climate.
I don’t know if I would like to live in a permanently warm climate like Queensland. I grew up in Macedonia where the winters get to -20 and summers often to 40+ days so I am used to cold winters and hot summers. Melbourne is not quite that drastic but it still has all seasons (some say sometimes in just one day LOL) which is kind of true.
I love changes of seasons as in business and live we do experience moments of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. As much as we’d love to be in summer all the time, I don’t we can truly appreciate it if we don’t see the flipside of the coin. Just like its not possible to be happy all the time, I also think having different seasons are there for a different experience.
Most importantly, I believe we cannot be on a permanent holidays as we cannot differentiate between business and pleasure. I know I wasn’t created to just do one thing – I mean how boring! Boredom can lead to depression due to loss of purpose. Embrace the colourful life you have been given and live the seasons to their fullest.
I choose to reap what I’ve sown in the warmer months, maybe you are different. Find your cycle and create a routine. A routine will get you closer to your goals and you will absolutely thrive. When you have your down time then fully enjoy the rewards of your efforts.
Love Nat x
P.S. I’d love to meet you at my Brand New book ‘Bums on Seats’ Book Launch on Tuesday 17th of May in Doncaster at the Pancake Parlour from 7-9pm. Alternatively if you are not in Melbourne here is a link to access a Free Sample of this Book for yourself.