Maybe I am one of those strange people that does do some work on Sunday's, but for me it has been a habit that I have grown to love because if I haven't got a clean slate for the new week, I feel messy, disorganised and lagging behind come Monday morning. I thought I'd share some of the things I do on Sunday's to set myself up for the new week. I don't work the whole day, at the most it is 1 hour tops 2 hours for complete what needs doing.
First of all why is it good to do a bit around your business on a Sunday?
- It helps to review the week that was and think about how you would like it to be next week
- No many are in work mode or emailing, which means you have a chance to catch up while the quiet is still on
- Come Monday you are not thinking or wondering what needs to get done, you just start Doing!
- Prepare things that may be a drain to do during the busy part of the week
- You would have had a bit of rest by then and you are in a creative mode to design the ideal week ahead.
My Sunday work time is usually when the baby sleeps in the middle of the day or when all kids are in bed at night. Stuart and myself will do an hour and then watch a movie and enjoy the rest of Sunday night together. Monday to Thursday are our late nights working till 11pm as we don't get much of a chance during 5-8:30pm to work. That's our family time. Our full free nights are Friday and Saturday and most of Sunday.
So what do I normally do on a Sunday... Here is my routine:
- Catch up on all outstanding emails - get to Inbox Zero!
- Respond to any social media comments, interact in a few groups and post about the FREE Monday morning coffee chats I run via my big Ultimate Business Support Group.
- Look at what events I am attending and are there any Power Points I need to create for them. I hate creating Power Points, so this is something I am always happy to get over and done with on a Sunday night and it makes me feel ready for the speaking gig. Nowadays I don't need to do many from scratch so sometimes its a 5-10 min task that I refine already existing ones for what I have coming up.
- Touch base with my Virtual Assistant as to what we have coming up in the week to come.
- Set my 3 weekly goals and write in what events I have coming up. My rule is to be attending a minimum of 2 each week.
- Write some To Do's in the days of the week when I need to complete them.
- Confirm any appointments I have scheduled for Monday to ensure there is no wasting of time or cancellations.
That's it! Sometimes there may be something outstanding that I attend to but most of the time is the above tasks. I do like to clean up my computer files from time to time so that everything around me is decluttered and free. This way I feel calm, in control and ready to respond to new enquiries, questions and client work. (Check out my super cool office with a few of our new pool - the water also brings in a calming component to my work)

When I have an extended time off with the family, I start getting into organised mode during the last few days to a week while we are away. I spend 1-2 power hours doing logistical bits and pieces that can be distracting during peak times of business.
From what you have read so far, you may be noticing that all the work that needs to be done but is not generally a direct income generating task is done outside business hours in what I like to all off peak time. In the time I have been in business I have noticed that this work often takes precedence over hustling type work for small business owners and then they wonder why it is they are not making any money or building their business. They complain how hard it is, how long it takes to get things done and organised, yet you don't need anything if you have a great personality and knowledge of what your value proposition is.
I often don't get to update most my profiles and websites or have the best of the best collateral. What I know is what I deliver, I can communicate it easily to my ideal clients and I turn up, attend and run events week in an week out. That is all you need. Its great to be tech savvy and have nice graphic design and consistency around your brand, but most of all its important to know that YOU ARE ENOUGH so long as you are able to COMMUNICATE CLEARLY with conviction, enthusiasm and passion what you stand for and what problem you solve.
STOP HIDING BEHIND THE COMPUTER! People Do Business with People... The computer work will always be there, how long you have to make your business a success is limited as you are limited by the funds you have to support you until such time you may be facing the reality of returning to a JOB! I am sure that is something you don't even want to think about, so get up, go out, pound the pavement, talk to people, ask for help, stay up late, get up early, do some Sunday work, you are now in business!
ENTREPRENEURS WORK 9-5 AND THEN 5-9. In my case its 9-5 then 8-11 :)
Have an Awesome Sunday and here is to the hustle of next week.....
Love Nat x
P.S. I have planned some amazing HOT SEAT Days coming up at our Home for a limited number of 8 participants max, 26 April and 14 June in Diamond Creek Melbourne. They will be 9-5 with all food provided and the opportunity to plan out your next 90 days in your business with the 3 Key actions you should be taking to make them a reality. Every participant will have a minimum of 45 mins in the Hot Seat one on one to get specific instructions and To Do's for the next 90 Days. Email: or ring me on 0412 085 160 for more info.
P.P.S. 31 March was just the other day so if you haven't set your next quarter goals or done your bookkeeping for the month, aim to finish this in the next 3-5 days. Lets get you creating some consistent habits for success