Today was a super productive and fun day. We hosted at our home the very first 90 Day Blueprint Ultimate Hot Seat Mastermind for 7 business owners that played at 100% to help each other and get guidance of their focus in the next 90 days. I got to experience a full day of 1-1 segments where I mentored, coached, guided and facilitated the group to assist all of them in having a concrete plan of attack and action in the next 90 days. It was intense but super powerful.
I came up with the idea of running these events only a month ago for those that perhaps were not quite ready to take the leap into some of my bigger programs and wanted a little boost from where they were to the very next steps they need to take. I must say I am super glad I did. I have seen and done Hot Seat segments before but not to the length or amount of people as I did today. I would say it was like what I would go through with someone over 3 months all delivered in 1 day.
So why are Hot Seat Masterminds so powerful:
1. Small intimate groups are a safe space and people feel they get great attention and help individually. The bonding is great and the collaborations that sometimes eventuate can be super powerful.
2. 8-10 heads thinking up ideas and solving challenges occurs in 8 times the speed it would take 1 or 2 people.
3. Not only do you get your personal time with the mentor but you also get to hear what others get told and than transfer how that idea would work for your business. It is huge the amount of insight and strategies you walk away with from everyone taking part.
4. The group can create accountability and in the case of today we decided we will return in 90 days again and see where everyone is at and make another 90 day plan.
5. It's so much more fun and exciting doing it all as a team and hearing good and constructive feedback on the spot.
I was so happy the participants today got so much value out of their experience. If you think of running your own Hot Seat Mastermind Days these are the thing you should consider in the planning and systems of the day:
- How many people can you accommodate maximum (for us it is 8 per day so everyone gets a good chunk of time in the Hot Seat, we ran 9-5)
- Will you provide food and refreshments (the day is pretty intense and people need to be nourished and hydrated - we provided everything throughout the day - you may want to get catering)
- How will you set up the day - what are your Rules you want everyone to follow
- Will you have a handout that will keep everyone on track (we had the Ultimate 90 Day Business Blueprint handout to work through and keep focussed on the outcomes)
- How will you keep to time - we used the Speaker Beeper App to countdown the 45mins per person we had allocated so its fair.
- How will you deal with people going into story too much and bring the group to focus.
- Will you have a number system (I laminated numbers 1-8 and people picked at the start of the day so that no one had to volunteer who is first, second and so on - its fair and it worked a treat)
- Will you offer future accountability and what will that look like - e.g.. webinar, another day to come back to, email etc.
Just a few things to consider and think about. What a great way for people to experience what you are about and how you can help. Give it a go and go and Wow your ideal clients.
Off to have a rest now :)
Love Nat x