Today I am going to just start writing. I actually don’t know what I want to write about and sometimes I sit for 20-30mins thinking up a sexy headline and theme for the blog. I get frustrated as sometimes I just can’t find the inspiration or ideal content I want to share. Sometimes I think of the topic and when I start writing it turns out to be something different and then I change the headline and by-line.
So today I thought I would start this way. Just see what comes out as I touch type and fly my way over to Hobart to host yet another one of my signature Ultimate 48 Hour Author Blueprint for Business Success workshops. I had an amazing trip last week in Canberra and Sydney and on track to complete my 100 events. Tomorrow will be #63 – don’t ask me how I do it, I just schedule them and get to work filling them or speaking at them.
The thing is I only have 5 people that are coming to the workshop tomorrow. Last week the rooms were fully booked and we ran out of chairs in Canberra. I haven’t done an event to just 5 people in a long time – probably a good 2 years. I am happy with this and never lose respect and gratitude for those that do commit to being there with me. I know I did all I could to get the numbers, but this year Hobart was not playing along.
I reached out to my authors there, new and soon to be, I contacted other people I have networked with, I spent well over $1000 on Facebook advertising and promoted it in other Free ways on social media with the help of my VA. Even a person like myself that has written a book named ‘Bums on Seats’ can occasionally encounter this predicament of small attendance numbers.
In my Home – Based ‘Bums on Seats’ Mastermind we have an Oath that we say and follow each and every month we meet and it goes something like this:
- I will Never Cancel or Delay an Event
- I will turn up and do my best with those that commit to me even if its just 1 Person
- I will always have a Call to Action
- I will Promote my Events with 100% commitment and energetic alignment that attracts people in
- I will always follow up and use my systems to guide me
I know me and the 5 participants will have an amazing day – they will get stacks of value and massive attention from me. That is super rare nowadays so I am looking forward to this experience as I know it will be one to remember.
Something new I am trialling is extending my half day event to a 10-5 version. This means everyone that comes will go home with a their book unpacked – which is something there isn’t time for at our 4 hour events. I am excited to see how that feels.
I am always looking on improving my formula, how can I add even more value to people and make their experience unforgettable.
So there you go, you must turn up no matter what and do what it takes if you want to succeed in running events. My events have generated us 1.4M in sales in the past 12 months (I was doing my books yesterday and was super proud of myself).
I love what I do – it’s my thing – I get to be the Ultimate 48 Hour Author and nothing else when I do events. My mum, wife, friend, daughter hat is on pause and I have time to do what makes me tick. That is why the results are as they are – it almost feels like the effort was easy, in flow and always meant to be.
As we start to descend into Hobart airport and the seatbelt sign is about to come on, there you have it, I managed to find a topic, a few insights and some lessons to share. Maybe the lesson in this is to just start writing and see what starts flowing through your fingers as you start to type. You might save some time in thinking. Ooh and that’s another insight – maybe we think too much about something and we should just start doing and taking action.
Work Hard – Play Hard.
Love Nat x
P.S. If you would love to experience the new format Ultimate 48 Hour Author Blueprint for Business Success workshop and go home with your Book Unpacked our next lot of events are Melbourne 5 or 6 July in Diamond Creek (only 3 spots left in each of those and they are limited to 10-12 participants per event), Adelaide 20 Sept and Perth 22 Sept. Click on the cities to visit the event page.