I just don't know how to go about it....
This is the lamest excuse I hear from authors around why they don't go ahead and plan the celebration of the hard work they put in to create a book and bring it out to the world. So what is all that about? I sometimes thing its still that hesitation of stepping out confidently with their message and sharing it with their community. As it now they will be found out what a fraud they really are. What BS! If you have gone as far as becoming a published author - OWN IT, scream it from the rooftops and you know what have more than 1 launch. How about travelling to a few different places and launching it everywhere. Approaching book stores and having a few hours showcasing and signing your book...
I am super excited to be travelling to Ballarat tonight to take part in one of my latest Ultimate 48 Hour Author book launches Megan Wright who wrote Your Salon Success. I am taking along my father in law (Ballarat happens to be his old stomping ground) and we are embarking on a road trip to celebrate a very important night with an author that put her heart and soul into her first book only a few short months ago.
She had no idea how to go about doing her book launch either. She asked a few questions, read some information and set out on a journey to the unknown. I know it will be a night she will never forget and it totally should be that way. This one night when its all about her and those nearest and dearest supporting and acknowledging her success.
Having a book launch has other benefits too. So lets have a look at the list of benefits:
- Brand awareness to your local community and those that have never heard of you
- You can get Publicity easily to promote the upcoming book launch
- You can build a great relationship with potential sponsors that may also want to take part and best of all will fund a lot of the expenses. Think about who wants to be in front of your people but is not in competition with you. This way you also start a stronger relationship with them and can lead to ongoing collaboration.
- Awesome photos for great PR and sharing online... You will look wanted and famous and can use them in multiple ways
- Build you list - those that attend get to become part of your community and database
- Have a call to action in your speech at the end, offer something that will help you get more clients or prospects that will generate bigger revenue than just a $30 book sale.
I could go on and on with the benefits, but these are the key ones that pop into my mind today. Remember, a book launch is NOT ABOUT SELLING BOOKS. I can't emphasise this enough. Its about being seen as the expert, credible, a person that is serious about their area of expertise and is not scare to share it with the world. Think about your processes as well. Here are some tips on things you should think about:
- Will you make it a free or paid book launch? I have found creating a paid one say $30 per ticket covers a lot of your expenses in putting it on, people get the book as they walk in and they are guaranteed to turn up. It also stimulates further purchases on the night. Most book launches are free, but lately I have and my authors have been making theirs paid with huge success and turn up rate.
- Plan to have a lead up timeline of at least 4-6 weeks whereby you with PROMOTE YOUR LITTLE ASS OFF to get people committed to coming along. I'd approach sponsors with 8 weeks to go.
- Make sure you send email and text reminders as you get down to the pointy end with 10 days to go, 3 and 24 hours.
- Ask to people to crew and help you out so you can enjoy your night and know everything and everyone is taken care off.
- Make sure you have a call to action and all the marketing collateral everywhere.
- Think about the decorations of the venue
- Hire a professional photographer and videographer (check out what we did with ours below) if the budget allows.
- FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP - say thank you, blog about your experience and every single time have a call to action....
I hope you have picked up a few tips from this. Bottom line it YOU MUST HAVE ONE! If you are serious about growing your business and making your new book the business card on steroids for yourself. We see this pattern in some of our authors, whereby they don't do their own book launch so every six months I host a group book launch for those that are ready after completing our Ultimate 48 Hour Author retreat. Once they take part in one, they absolutely love it and wish they had done it earlier. I tell them its not too late - get going and plan one just for you. It should be just about you for that one night.
I'll report back from Megan's book launch tomorrow. I have no doubt we will have an awesome time and I can't way to see her glow and be the centre of attention this evening.
P.S. Our next mega book Launch will be on 9 September 2016 so look out for an invite to that. These nights are absolutely massive and super rewarding for myself and the authors. Check out the the trailer of the one we did a couple of months ago...