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#LiveWithNat & Zoe MacBean

Monday morning live with Natasa Denman featuring one of her amazing authors, Zoë MacBean.

Zoë is an eclectic dog trainer with over 35 years of experience who believes there are no stubborn dogs—just those that have become reliable in all the wrong ways. With a touch of eccentricity and a perpetually scruffy look, Zoë’s unique upbringing in a college psychology lab might explain her unconventional approach.

When she isn’t training dogs, Zoë can be found cooking, gardening, or having hay picked out of her hair by her very patient husband. She lives on a small farm on Vancouver Island with a quirky little blue dog, a foolish young setter, three lazy, semi-retired pack goats, too many sheep, and a very handsome mule.

Zoe just recently published her first book “Housetraining That Works”.

Key Takeaways:

1. Trust your process - don’t apologize for it or beat yourself up for it
2. No one is going to defend your boundaries for you.
3. Who is your book inviting you to become?

Learn more about Zoë MacBean here:

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